Lighting the Path to Wholeness

Welcome to Aurora Healing Gardens

a Licensed Psilocybin Service Center

We realize that you have come to a time in your life when you are searching for something, perhaps a new vision of life, or the resolution of past life events. We are grateful to have embarked in this most mysterious and amazing of services. Psilocybin assisted therapy has been re-discovered as an effective treatment for a host of mental health conditions including, depression/anxiety, PTSD, OCD, substance use disorder and is now being studied for dementia and other neurological conditions. But it is also an ancient medicine which was used in ceremony to help individuals who were seeking understanding or resolution. 

This medicine comes from the earth. It is a substance which can not only call us back to our natural origins, but it can help to revitalize old neuronal pathways in the brain, and to ‘wake up’ the connections between neurons which were weakened or lost through chronic stress, trauma or just over time. We believe that nature is a critical aspect of a healing journey, and is our ally. We strive to incorporate as much of living, growing energies into our services as possible. 

Our wish is that you will feel informed, properly prepared and reassured in your personal and unique journey. Our aim is to assist and nurture you during your experience so that you can relax into your own experience and ultimately, emerging with an enhanced understanding of yourself and possibly a sense of healing and revitalization. 

Susie Corcoran

Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator
FNP-C., CNM., MN., RN.

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