

As of May 10, 2024, we are in the process of licensing and anticipate offering services beginning in June of 2024. Fill out the quick form on our contact page, and we will be sure to keep you updated.


Welcome to Aurora Healing Gardens!

We are a small, lovely private Psilocybin Service Center just 30 minutes south of Portland and 5 minutes from I-5 dedicated to a safe, nurturing and natural psilocybin assisted therapy experience. We believe strongly that this medicine is enhanced through close association with the natural world and thus have curated an environment rich with beautiful flora in our indoor and outdoor space. We have created a calm, beautiful and joyful ‘nest’ to allow our clients to be able to relax, trust the process and feel pampered during their experience.

This medicine comes from the earth. It is a substance which can not only call us back to our natural origins, but it can help to revitalize old neuronal pathways in the brain, and to ‘wake up’ the connections between neurons which were weakened or lost through chronic stress, trauma or just over time. We believe that the natural world is a critical aspect of a healing journey, and is our ally. We strive to incorporate as much of living, growing energies into our services as possible. 

Our service center is ‘attached’ to a small, country health clinic dedicated to holistic wellness and complementary medicine. With a separate entrance through the garden, the psilocybin service area designed for, and most recently used a birth center! We appreciate the atmosphere and energy of new life still felt in our journey area, and like to think of our little space as a ‘re-birth’ center!

"Your calm and attentive presence helped me to be able to relax and focus on my own experience”.

– Client